Our 2024 CSA box is now open for registration!


Following suggestions and comments received throughout the past year and from our recent survey, we have made some adaptations to our CSA this year.

  • Season length adjustment:This year we have cut back from 3 seasons to 2 seasons (summer  and fall 14 weeks each). We have also pushed back the start date 4 weeks to June 1st. This was in consideration of last season being so late that we struggled to fill the boxes in May which made the boxes a bit repetitive and light. We offered a gift certificate at the end of the spring season to compensate for that. Starting later will allow us to also have more space available on our CSA program, as some were sad to have missed the registration last year because we had to limit registrations. We have also shortened the season by one week at the end (so a total of 5 weeks shorter)
  • A Price adjustment was also approved by the majority in the survey. As much as we have been wanting to keep our boxes affordable over the years, our costs of production and labour have shot up in the last two years. Since the cost of the box had remained unchanged, however the value of the vegetables in the box increased, meaning there was less quantity in the boxes. Bringing the price of the Bounty box to $35 per week and to $25 per week for the harvest will help compensate for that discrepancy.
  • Weekly delivery will remain at $6 as our drivers are happy with the little extra pocket money this offers them. Other ways of saving on deliveries would be to organize a group pick-up in the Departure bay area. If you live in that area and would have a space that is  safe and accessible for about 10 people to come pick-up, let us know. Group and office deliveries are also available. Talk to your neighbors and co-workers then email us to arrange delivery options.
  • Free pick-up at Robart street: We might have to change this pick-up location come June. We will keep you posted.Check out our online shop to register
    Weekly boxes come in two sizes.
  • The Harvest box is suited for 1-2 people and works out to $25/week;
  • The Bounty is for families of 3-4 and is $35/week.
  • A $10 fee per season registration has been added this year to cover administrative costs.
  • If you register for both seasons at once, you will benefit from a saving of $30 for the bounty and $15 for the harvest and only pay for one admin fee.
  • We offer several options to pay at no fee to you or us by cash, cheque, e-transfer. Paypal is also available.

Best wishes of good health to you and your loved ones for 2024. Thanks to those of you who have already registered. It is truly heartwarming!